Saturday, August 20, 2011

AUDIO BOOK: Made in Heaven, Fleshed Out on Earth: One Woman's Journey into Wholeness in Marital Intimacy

A must read for any woman entering into marriage!

After a passionate but pure courtship, Nancy Fowler anticipated uninhibited sexual bliss in her marriage to Greg Christenson....

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ARTICLE: How To Save Your Marriage From Divorce:

By: W. Scott

Marriage starts out so optimistically people are willing to spend tens of thousands of dollars on just one single day, their wedding day. But once the rice is gone and gifts are exchanged for cash it seems to go downhill. Let's talk about how to save marriage from divorce once the glitter is gone.

It seems like no time at all transpires between the excitement of the wedding day and the search for how to save marriage from divorce. What happened and how did it happen so fast?

Maybe in your case you have been married a long time. If so, how long have things been sliding downhill?

Sometimes there is a trigger event. Sure, it could be a bout of infidelity but it could also be a tragedy in your life such as a death or even a natural disaster. If you wait long enough in life something is certain to come along to toss your world - and your marriage - into disarray.

Much has been written about stopping divorce but not all of it that helpful. Deciding you want to know how to stop marriage ending in divorce is a good first step, but there is much work ahead.

Emotional distress, whether it be grief from an event such as mentioned above or maybe the current "greater recession" that for many people is more like a deep, dark, depression can bring out the worst in us.

For me, the trauma of trying to build a home back in the go-go years of prosperity when no one in construction cared about their work because there was plenty where that came from pretty much did me in. I was not easy to get along with.

The struggle is to separate the problems outside of home with what goes on in the home. When the problem is in the home then you need to separate those difficulties from the marriage itself. If you do not, then marriage can become divorce quite rapidly.

Marriage was intended to pair a man and woman together to complement each other, so you could share the burden and strengthen each other. Unfortunately, society, the media and even some churches make it fun to pit husband against wife whenever possible putting undo strain on the marriage.

You need also to separate the bad behavior of the individual (whether you or your spouse) with the person himself. While people may not change, behavior certainly can.

In order to save your marriage, we are going to take you back to the beginning - when times were good and you both thought of nothing but being together and making each other happy.

Here are some ideas to make saving your marriage a highlight in your life by restoring the joy:

1.) Devote yourselves to each other. Start out by telling your spouse that you are committing yourself to them and your marriage.

2.) Support each other, even if it starts out by just you supporting them. Seek out those qualities in your spouse that used to be what you enjoyed.

3.) Seek out supporters, friends and family that will help you. Avoid those who want nothing more than to see your marriage end in divorce.

4.) Remember what put a smile on your faces and made you laugh together. My wife and I finally found the movie we watched on our first date. It was not NEAR as good as we remembered but it made us think back in time to more trouble free days.

Always try to maintain a wall between your problems in life and your marriage. Do not let the one influence the other. There will be a day when the problem has been overcome and you want to share that good time with your spouse, but that only happens if you have kept your relationship intact.

Getting there can be enjoyable as you learn to love each other again.

Knowing how to save marriage from divorce is something you can learn with the right help and guidance, and can even become a joy with the right attitude.

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