By: Charish - California Weddings
Being that I have worked as a wedding professional since 1991, and started out as a wedding photographer for many years, I've seen a lot of brides, their wedding dresses, hair styles, makeup jobs, etc.
With that said, I've seen some very beautiful brides who needed little to no help with their appearance on their wedding day, and of course the opposite as well.
Regardless of your genetics, YOU as the bride owe it to yourself, and your groom to make every effort possible to look your very best on your special day. Likewise, the groom has the same responsibilities to both you, and himself.
Most brides want their wedding ceremony decor, and their reception decor to be unique, spectacular, memorable, etc., , , so - it only makes sense that a bride would take the same level of care, and interest in her own appearance on her wedding day.
Things that are often overlooked or undervalued when it comes to the bride's appearance are:
1. Facial and nose hair - Yes, in my years as a wedding photographer, I've seen far more protruding nose and facial hairs on brides than I care to admit. Not only was detail very important to me as the photographer, but how does one tell the bride on her most special day, , , "Um, you've gotta hair coming out of your nostril." , or "In this lighting, I can see every hair on your upper lip, and chin." Needless to say, I never said these things, but simply did my best to re-pose or position my view from the lense that would best flatter or hide the issue at hand.
Solution? Waxing and plucking has never killed anyone, and for the sake of your wedding day appearance, photos, video, etc., , , , I'd say a little pain would be worth it ;-) Also, contrary to what some may believe, waxing will not cause more coarse hairs to grow back in, , , it's actually quite the opposite, as the waxed/plucked hairs will likely be replaced with softer, finer hairs. (See Also THREADING Below)
2. Messy, bushy, eyebrows - Both the bride and groom should pay extra attention to this area of their face. Eyebrows are frames to the eyes, and unruly, bushy eyebrows can make a huge difference in the overall appearance of the upper half of the face. Eyebrows can make you look more alert, more youthful, or tired, and quite simply worn out.
Solution? We've all seen these new mall kiosk businesses that offer eyebrow threading! I highly recommend that this be considered at least a couple of days before your wedding, but only after you've had a trial run by the same business, and individual approx. 2 months prior to make sure you like the shaping, results, etc.
Makeup & Hair - Far too many brides (in my opinion) skimp on having their makeup and hair professionally done. The reason for this of course is to "save money", , , , but at what expence really? Their appearance? The difference between a professionally made-up bride, and a self-done makeup job by the bride is often like night and day. If you're going all out on the cake, flowers, and decor, why would you put yourself on the back burner? Remember this is supposed to be a once in a life-time event, , , so don't treat yourself like you're not important for a once in a life-time knock out bridal look!
Skin Care (and I mean everywhere on your body) - A dry bride is a dull bride, and whether we're looking at your face, your arms, and legs, or your feet, nobody wants to see a bride with dry, dull skin.
Solution? Start a total-body skin care regimen several months prior to your wedding day. Let's call it a skin fitness routine. This routine should include exfoliation of the skin a minimum of one time per week. My personal favorite exfoliating product is (St. Ives Exfoliating Apricot Scrub "Invigorating") as it gives the skin a great scrub, and leaves it feeling smooth, and fresh. Be sure to wear sunscreen after using any exfoliating product. Also remember to include a great overall body moisturizer right after getting out of the shower to keep skin smooth. On the wedding day - try a cream oil based moisturizer to give your arms, legs, and feet a smooth, healthy sheen. Just for fun - add a tiny bit of glitter gel or powder to your feet to give them a sexy shimmer. A mild glittery/bronzing powder can be added (in moderation) to your arms, legs, shoulders etc., but only if it matches your skin tone. Again a professional makeup artist would be beneficial in this area.
Nails, on hands and Feet - My personal favorite is the French Manicure on both hands and feet. This is a clean, classy look that will match any wedding dress, as well as hair, and makeup job. A lot of brides focus on their hands, but neglect their feet. Feet can be and should be a sexy addition to your wedding day look, just remember to include your feet in the above mentioned skin care regimen, and DO get that French Manicure for the toes!
Solution? Don't do a manicure job yourself, and don't simply go with the cheapest deal in town. Few things would be more embarrassing on your wedding day than to see your nails flying off during your ceremony, or any time during your special day.
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