by: Georgina Clatworthy

Finding ways to relieve the stress when all the wedding stuff begins to wear you down can be just as stressful! Here are some tips to help you put together a stress busting plan for when it all gets too much.
Weddings can seem like an endless charade of flowers, stationery and cakes and sometimes you are probably left wondering when it will all end. Act now and draw yourself up a stress busting plan to help you get through all those wedding planning nightmares.
Take time out
When the pressure is really on the best thing to do is to get away from it all for a while. Grab you hubby-to-be and get away for a weekend and have some quality time together. It will help you both focus on the time ahead and help you remember exactly why you are getting married in the first place!
Massage in a bottle
A massage is the ultimate for relaxation and unwinding. Book one when everything seems to be getting on top of you and you need time out. Make a day of it at a nearby spa & take your mom and best friend with you.
Switch off
A total switch off from everything wedding related is on the cards when you find yourself eating, sleeping and thinking weddings 24/7. By this stage you are probably super-stressed and taking a whole day out from all things wedding will be just the tonic you need.
Work it out
If you are keen on exercise and have a regular workout or exercise regime you are probably already aware of the stress relieving benefits of simply going for a run or having a workout at the gym. A good workout will not only help burn calories, but it will also stretch your tense muscles and release feel good endorphins.
Sleep it off
Although it may not be so easy, but a good sleep will leave you feeling refreshed, energized and ready to face the day. Try to get 8 hours a night and avoid all wedding talk when you snuggle down for the night. If wedding plans do float around your mind at night, write them down and tell yourself you will deal with them in the morning.
Girl talk
Get all you friends together, a bottle of wine and a strict ban on wedding talk. A bit of girly gossip will help you relax and calm down. A night in with the girls will also help you remember that there is life outside of weddings, so find out what is going on with them and their lives.
Eat properly
We are all too aware of the importance of eating a balanced diet but many of us, particularly when stressed will skip meals and take to consuming things which won’t help us in any way. Try to drink lots of water, eat plenty of fruit and vegetable and avoid caffeine and too much alcohol. You will soon feel fresher and notice a change in your everyday mood.
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